Friday, September 23, 2011


This is one of the words in the English language that has always confused me. It's simple to say, easy to spell, but the hardest to understand. It always seems like I write about this subject, but really, I can never find the true answer. So every answer I find is an answer that builds upon another.
What is love?
I think I have come closer to the definition. I think I did anyways. I think love is like people-there are more than one kind of it.
There's the love with your friends, which I remember writing about a few months ago. That's one of the more enternal kinds of love, the kind that would last for a while. Friends are the ones that would steal your food, the ones that will be there when you have things going on with you, the ones that bring you junk food to binge on, and the ones who are always there for you.
Then there's family. Or friends that are like your family. I think I wrote about this before also, so I'll keep a short summary on that. Basically they were always there for you, and always will be there for you, no matter what you do. (So if you fall and break your leg, they will be the first to sign it..) They were there in the beginning, and will always be. (even  if the beginning wasn't the beginning of your lifetime.)
Now we come to the part that I haven't wrote about. The part about love that I have realized today.
There are two kinds of romantic love, I think. Eternal and baby love.
Eternal love is when you love someone, to the point when you want to marry them. It's so strong that you just know that the other person is right for you. It's like the twilight zone. Eternal lovers can say anything to the other and know that nothing will change what they have.
Then there's baby love, aka puppy love. That's when the awkward starts. When you don't know what you're doing, the victims of kindergarten crush syndrome. This kind of love is shielded by the fear of messing up, and usually one would leave over something petty. You can see this kind of relationship in high school, middle school, and even as late as college.
And what I'm looking for? Love. The kind of love that it doesn't matter where you are with them, you could be having the time of your life. I want to be with someone whose my best friend, and someone whose my lover too. I want my friends and my family to know about him. I want to live a time of happiness, and ride the waves for as long as possible because I know nothing will last forever. I want to learn something with them. I want to try new things, I want to live for the day, and know that with him by my side, I won't have to worry about being lonely on the times when I'm in need. I want to be in love. Like what Carrie said "I want love; inconvient, I can't live without you love.
So...where might you be?

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