Monday, September 12, 2011

A Person Worth Remembering.

A person worth remembering is someone who has made your life worth living. Someone that in twenty years, you will still want to think about what they did for you. Remembering that helps you because in the future, you won't forget someone who has changed your life in ways that when they are gone, you don't know how you'll ever move on without them in your life.
I've learned so much from my grandfather, whose more like a father to me. I can still remember playing the piano (not very well..I used to bang on the thing so hard that it's a wonder why it didn't break!) and he would sit on one of the dining room chairs. I remember him taking care of me everyday. I remember when he used to take my grandmother everywhere, and fall asleep because she took so long. I remember everything, like it was yesterday.
But it took five years of a complete downward spiral.
Thanks to my grandfather, I learned that there are good men out there. I learned that with hard work, you can do anything. I learned to make jokes, and never leave a man hanging.
Most importantly, I learned how to love.

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