Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I often wonder about love. Why does it make us crazy? Why is it such a drug, that when the drug is over, then there would be withdrawel? Why are we so scared to embrace love, one of the most simple things on the planet, with out the fear for being hurt.
I got to thinking.
If we live on the safe side, for love, or for anything else, we truly don't live. We truly don't know what to feel, or what to do. We live our life dry, like toast without butter, just because we are afraid of truly living. The worst that can happen to us is that they say no to us. Then you know, and then you move on? (I've been watching a lot of the Friend Zone, lately.) If you have something to say, get the balls and just say it, don't waddle in the shallow end of the pool for the fear of drowning.
I want to take risks...maybe go for that diving board. I dunno.
I think that if you like someone, even if they are your friend, you should tell them, because if you feel that way, then you should express it. Then you could either have a relationship, or an awkward situation, but if you truly are friends, then the awkwardness should overlook itself.
I guess love is something that is worth the risk.
I really oughta stop watching reality TV

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