Saturday, November 26, 2011


Mothers and daughters have  the wierdest relationships in my book.We fight, and then we become the best of friends. Wierd isn't it?
Mothers are the people who gave birth to us. You get one set of parents, and after that, that's it. Mothers are the ones that know what's best for us, and are not afraid to tell us. Mothers are the people that know when to say stop eating that, it's too unhealthy, or it will make you fat. Some mother and daughters are best friends, like Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. Others are worst enimies, like Emily and Lorelai Gilmore.
My relationship with my mother is one of the wierdest things that I can explain. We don't really talk about things, like relationships. I am close to my mother, but at the same time, I wish I wasn't afraid to be closer. I am afraid of her judging me for the things that I write, the way that I feel, and for even crying. I am afraid of in the future she will judge me based on all of those feelings, so the best thing to do is to not tell her anything and hope that she doesn't notice.
But at the same time, I look up to my mother. She is one strong bitch. She raised a kid and a dog on her own, with little help from her astranged husband. She relied on her parents, and when her Dad was diagnosed with dementia, she braved it week after week until the day he had died. She cries, and has her bad days just like everyone else, showing me that she is indeed human. I hope to one day grow up to be that strong independant woman that my mother has become, and even though there are days when I want to rip her own head off, I wish that in the deepest ways that I grow up to be just like her, and that I can truly do her justice by making her proud of me.

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