Monday, November 21, 2011

To Not Feel.

I was once told that you can overcome things to become stronger. Someone told me that while I was freaking out. I was told that when there was a will, there was a way. I wish that there was no emotion other than happiness, because sadness can always overcome it, and get rid of it. I wish that I had more people to actually listen to what I have to say. I wish for sunny days, versus this stupid clouds of gray.
I can't take being unhappy anymore. I want to feel like I mean something, that I can get out of this stupid hole of migranes, heartburn, and crying over things. I feel like crap simply, and no one gives a shit.
I want to be happy. Where is this happy? Hi happy, where are you? Have you missed me? Because I miss you. I want someone to tell me I mean something to them, to make me feel a tad bit better, to support me, to make everything okay, to assure me that everything will be okay. I don't want to worry about things like AP pyschology, or getting into the college of my dreams. I don't want to have to worry about the food that goes into my mouth, whether or not it's going to make me sick. I just want to sit on my couch, watch Gilmore Girls, eat white chocolate, and have a giant stuffed Snoopy to snuggle with. Pathetic, yes? But hey, a girl has to relax somehow.
I really need a hug.
And a miracle.

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