Have you ever had that one horrific experience in your life, an experiance that leaves you shying away from the world, to never to be discovered by anyone ever again? Whether it be from a divorce, or a breakup, or some other tramatizing experiance, it can scar you. It can shut you, and your heart off from all of the good things in your life, that could possibly change your life for the better.
Letting go, is one the most difficult things to do. You have to be emotionally strong enough to say "hey, i have had enough of feeling like crap, enough of focusing on something that already happened, because that's not healthy. It's time to focus on the present, to get ready for the future." And then, drop it. No more guilty feelings, or no more reminders of what was. Than, start thinking about who you are now, not what happened then, because if you focus on what was, you can not be ready for your future, in love, or in life, or whatever.
It's done. Forget it, now.
Even after doing so, it may be hard to take any kind of risks. It may be hard to put yourself out there again, because you think that's going to happen to you again. It may, or it may not, but you know that you will be able to get over it. How do I know this? Because, I know that if you could get through that, you would be able to get through anything.
In life, we will mess up. We will have people that mess us up, with no fault of our own. But, believe or not, it's not about that. It's about how you deal with it, how you pick yourself up, after being dropped on your ass, and take that chance, although it may leave you down. Part of life, is also the chances we take, sometimes the thrill of putting ourselves on the line, for anything, like love, a job, or pretty much anything else that we may want. If you don't take you don't live. Put everything on the line.
I may be the world's biggest hypocrite, by not following my own advice. But, one day, perhaps in the near future I will get up all of the nerve to tell someone how I really feel. Not just in love, but the person that hurt me the most. That person, I will not name, but I am gaining the courage to forgive, and forget the pain that they have caused me. It is in the past, fourteen years to be exact, and I'm thinking that maybe it's time that we actually start building the foundation of a relationship that I've always dreamed of again. And the other person, I will eventually say "hey i have feelings for you."
Baby steps, my friend. One day, those goals will become a reality.
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