Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If I Could Write Down Everything I'm Feeling.

If I could write down everything that I'm feeling, then I would have a freaking novel on my hands. I could go into more and more detail, but then would be requiring me to open up to a bunch of strangers. So, what should I write my blog about?
I like ponies.
Not really..
Okay, serious time.
There is one topic I'd like to bring to the table: relationships. Relationships, the romantic kind, anyways, should be a partnership. One person should not hold the strings, male or female. No one person should control the other, no matter what the age or status would be. I believe that a man should have the freedom to do the same thing as a woman. Hang out with members of the opposite sex? Why not? If they want to spend some time with their friends, let them. I don't think the relationship should soley revolve around each other. You need friends. You need space. That way, when you DO spend time with that someone it's more special.
I sometimes, as a single person for over two years, wonder  about relationships. What is healthy? What's not healthy?
I've come up with one conclusion: Even though, relationships are hard and wierd, it should be that you want to talk to them...not have.
Key words of wisdom here.

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