In this society, we move in the fast lane. Fast internet, fast women (it's from a song), text messages getting sent at instant speed, and the ability to have your entire music and movies libary available to you at the click of a button. Has dating become of victim to the increasing desire of speed?
I guess that dating has fallen victim to the fast lane. I mean people have sex within weeks or months of meeting each other. Isn't sex supposed to be something that's meaningful, not just something you do when you're bored? Like seriously? You don't hand out your goodies to every passerby. Like a random stranger on the street, you don't go around saying that you're going to do him, and get him laid.
People should really love someone before getting into that kind of relationship. With love, your heart must do the talking. People shouldn't also have sex just to keep their boyfriends. If it was meant to be, then he would not be pressuring you to do so. If he is, dump his ass, and he'll whore with someone. You'll find someone who actually cares about you, and your values.
I think we should all think about the good old days. I think that the generations before us had the best ideas of dating-courting. Taking our time to taking that step. I think it's a good thing, to stop and smell the roses, especially when it comes to dating. Get to know that person, before the relationship. Or, at least know their last name. Because, it's cool to know that, before going the next step. Just saying.
I want a courtship. I saw this on TV. The guy asks the father (or in my case the mother) if they can ask the daughter out. Then, they go out on casual dates, and after the third, the guy asks if he can be in a comitted relationship. Then we be dating, and yeah.
I'm going to be single for a long time. Forever alone? Hell yes.
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