Sunday, March 11, 2012

What I learned From TV Shows...

Today, the media dominates how we think and view the world. Well, I decided to make a little entry about what I have learned from television shows from today, and ones from like the eighties:
  1. From the hit show Glee, I learned that sometimes, things that are on your mind, are best said in song, and it's best to leave them up to song. Also, from Glee, I learned that it's okay to be different, and it's okay to be a loser, because your true friends will actually still love you, and the ones that are not your true friends would not love you. Losers unite!
  2. From the show Jersey Shore, I learned from Ronnie and Sammi on how not to act in a relationship. Also, GTL is mandatory.
  3. From Home Improvement, I learned that if you don't know what to do, then you should probably let someone who knows what they are doing do it. That way, you will avoid the risk of hurting yourself, and then it will be done right. Also, I learned that nice guys like Al always finish last, so we women have to help them out at times.
  4. From the show Golden Girls, I learned that a smart remark can get you places. I love you Sophia Petrillo!
  5. My last show is Gilmore Girls. I learned that sometimes, it's okay to be a babbling idiot. It's okay to make decesions with your heart. Then, you know that they are meant to be. 
I had more of them, but I forgot about them, because I didn't write them down when I first thought of this entry idea. Anyways, sometimes, TV can teach you things.

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