Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Philosphy On Life.

The world that I live in, I've gone through so much bullshit and stuff, so I figured that everyone needs my input on it. Why? Cause I have my own damn ideas on how things are, and I should share it with the world. So. Prepared to be enlightened.
  1. Some people like to see you happy. Others don't. And when the people who don't like to see you happy see you happy they will try to ruin it. So, pretend that they don't phase you, ignore them, and be happier. Chances are they will be bitching from the sidelines. Then, you can laugh at them bitching, because well they deserve it.
  2. Pray for your enemies. Whether or not you forgive them, it's up to you. But be the bigger person and wish the person that you hate good fortune. That way, you don't hold grudges and let them go, and everything will be kosher. 
  3. Chances are good to take. Whether they may be in  love or in life, sometimes putting yourself out there is a good thing, because then you can live. Life you need to live, not sit around on the sidelines. 
  4. Don't control your boyfriend or girlfriend. If you can't trust them, talk to them about it. I don't think its fair to make someone feel like they are under control. If they have done something, like cheat on you, then there is like serious probelms, and that you shouldn't be with someone who cheats on you. 
  5. Eat cookies. They make you smile.
  6. Love before hate. Hate should be banned from your vocabulary.

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