Monday, January 23, 2012

Best Friends Forever

Whose the person that's always there for you when you're down? Whose the person that got your back when boys make you crazy? Whose the one person that is always there for you, when you are down? They are the ones who let you eat chocolate in insane amounts, and won't judge you or call you a fatass. Or they would, but they wouldn't really give a shit. When you're having a bad day she would be there, on the phone, or with tissues in hand, always there to hear you cry. She's the first person to 'like' your new facebook picture, and the first to notice any major or non major changes. And when you are happy, they are happy for you, the first to jump and down with you.
And take that and vice versa it.
That person who I'm talking about is my best female friend, Charlotte. She is an amazingly awesome person, who is always there for me, for the good times, and the bad. When I feel like crap, she's my go to person. When I feel like shouting from the rooftops about something, she's the first person to know...I usually tell her things more often then I tweet. That's love my friend. She's the person who I would go to Panera and eat a bread bowl, and just chat. She's my partner in crime.
Charlotte, you're awesome, don't change, and I love you! You're my very best friend, my little sister that I never had, and I felt like dedicating an entry to you.

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