Saturday, January 7, 2012

Darth Vador.

It's offical. Darth Vador is one of my favorite movie characters, mainly because he is an icon. He has an amazing costume, has lost both his wife and children, and of course, he lost most of his natural body, being more machine then man.
He wasn't always bad, he just grew to be that way. Which leads me to the arguement of whether people are born bad, or just left to fester to be bad. No, Anakin Skywalker wasn't born bad. He was turned bad, and after losing his wife, the lovely Padame, he then turned evil, even changing his name to Vadar. But I can't help but feel bad for him because after losing the love of his life, I can't help but feel bad for him. Poor Vadar. Maybe we should all be sympathetic and think of his poor Padame next time we tune into Star Wars. Or not, because he fell into the wrong crowd.
That, and I named my new phone after him. He's a cool guy.

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