Monday, January 2, 2012

You Never Know What You Have Until...

Ever have something great, and then it's gone? Like spending time with someone that actually listens to you, entertains you, makes everything better when your sad, and is someone who treats you really nice, versus someone that treats you like you're an object versus a thing. That's not fair.
I guess when you realize things, things like this, it's too late to go back and fix them. You can only go foreward, there is no rewind button on the vcr of life. There's no pause. There's only the play button. And if you ask me, it's pretty fucked up that you can't rewind.
I miss my junior year of high school a lot for many reasons. I mean, senior year is okay, I mean I got into college, and I guess that's cool. I just miss my old band class, and my old lunch wave. I miss seeing my friends more, mainly because they are amazing people, and that they always treated me nice. Except for when they are busy and tell me to go away. I don't like that very much. I miss my friends who have graduated, and are away at college. I miss my first period US History class, where Jenni and I would gossip about pretty much everyone and everything. I miss the random emails that I used to write Charlotte everyday, because I hated typing with a passion, and never actually did my work. I miss my seventh period off period, spent with someone who ALWAYS listened to me, or ladder spend with two obnoxious boys...(okay fine, the one with the big nose is actually pretty cool.)
Next year, I'm going to be away from those people. I'm going to miss spending the mornings walking around with my friends. I'm going to miss playing the flute every single day. I'm going to miss walking into my friend's third period class.
I guess you never know what you have until it's gone.

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