Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the word Intamicy, although I am not exactly sure why. I question what makes intamicy, exactly? Sex? Being in love? These are the things that have haunted me, so I decided to explore .
So, I decided to look it up. Thanks to the power of google (amazing thing, that google. whoever invented it you rock). It's definiation is that it is private/closeness, the state of being inimate, and having a close relationship with another person or group.
Well, that still didn't answer my question.
Maybe it's not a black and white defination. My defination of the word could be different, and mean different things then perhaps yours would.
So, now I asked myself, what is mine?
After several minutes of thinking and scrambeling my brain for one, I finally came up with my own definition of the word.
To me, intimacy is being in love. It is showing someone that you care about them, whether by the fact you are in a relationship, or that you just really love that person. It is something that is only could be shared between two lovers, a special bond that only soul mates can share.
Now, I ask you, my readers (however many you may be)...What is your definition to being initmite?

*A little note. This is my one hundreth blog entry on this site. So I wanted to take some time and say thank you to those who have taken their time to read my silly words. Whether friends, or people I don't know at all, I just wanted to say thank you for reading and for your support.

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