They say in order for a relationship to work, both parties have to work for a greater outcome, or the common good. If one person works harder, while the other simply doesn't care, then the person working harder will get tired.
In life, we have to give to get. We have to give time and energy for money. We have to give effort for good grades. We have to give love to get love. We have to give respect to get respect. It's the way that the world works, its the way that it always has been, and it's the way that the world will always be.
In relationships, it works the same way. Not just in relationships of love, but in relationships of every kind with everyone. Relationships of all kinds are like plants. They need tender loving care to grow and to blossom into something truely great.
The realtionship that I'm thinking of today is the relationship between father and daughter. On the show Sex and the City, one man commented that a girl's relationship with her father shapes her relationships with men, and with others.
Those who are close to me know my father to be a man that is rarely, well there. He left when I was a toddler, and came only in guest appearances in the production of my life. He cheated on my mother, despite what he may say, with somone younger, who is more physically fit, and thinks she is the prettiest and best person on the planet, but when you get right down to it, someone who cheats on her husband with a married man is not the type of person that you would consider a role model.
I often worry that I will turn out like my father. I worry that one day, when I am married with child or childs, that one day I will wake up and decide that I don't want this life anymore, and leave a life that I have promised God and everyone elsee. I worry that I will hurt my spouse, and I worry that I will hurt my children, and that one day, they will grow up to hate me. I am like him in most ways. I look like him. I act like him. We share eating habits (well we used to). We both are addicted to technology. We both like some of the same things.
In life we need work. Work is the one way to be sucess. To relationships, to succeeding in the business force, and or course to make some good old cash. However, having someone doing the work that is only yours won't do the job.
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