Wednesday, May 18, 2011

True Blue.

A lot of things impact the way we feel. A lot of things can effect the way we see things. Things such as past relationships, things such as taking a simple class just so you can no longer consider yourself a complete failure, can change your fate in drastic ways.
Sometimes I wonder about fate. I guess if it's not in the cards, than it will be someday in the near future. We need not complain, because then we will have to worry about things we can not control.
I have a friend that has never been in a relationship. She is eighteen, and I guess she's an okay person to hang around, although sometimes she can get annoying. She's sometimes clingy like a lint sheet, but I guess we can never shake those off of our past. Sometimes, she complains about how she has never been kissed and all of that jazz. Although I admit, I am sometimes like that, and I try not to be, no one really wants to hear you complain about your lack of love life.
In life, we just need patience and open minds. Although I'm working on both, there are some people who have it. We need the patience to wait for the real reward in life, whether it may be in love or in success in a field. If we had patience, than we would know that in time, we will have what we truely want. Society has turned into instancy, often forgetting what is truely important. I'm trying to remember what truely is, and sit back, and enjoying the view of what is patience. We need open minds, so that we can not judge people for being gay or straight, or having a viewpoint how one should act whether they are male or female.
If we posses this qualities, then we would have a more peaceful society. We will not however, have a perfect one because we are human, and nothing can truely ever be perfect. There is no such thing as perfect when it comes to humanity, so therefore no society can be perfect.
With those two qualities, everyone can get along. Everyone can help each other, and everyone will not live in a standard shifted world.
Then a love life will be more successful, because we have opened our hearts and having an open heart to someone is one of the best feelings possible. It is knowing that they are true blue to you, and only you, knowing that their heart is yours and vice versa.
Sometimes being true blue is the best thing for us.

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