Monday, May 23, 2011

It's All A Balancing Act.

Have you ever had that one friend that always seems to change her life in the style of a 180 whenever she gets a boyfriend, or new crush? She joins drama, because he's in it, changes her hair, because he likes girls that way, forgetting herself and her friends in the process. And when she gets dumped for being too clingy, because he needs some time with his bros, she has nothing going on for her? I believe she is suffering from Mosquito syndrome, when she sucks the life out of someone who doesn't want to be that way. And then she comes crawling back to you, because she has nothing else better going on in her life, and has no one else to talk to.
Mosquito Syndrome is when you are constantly with your loved one, forgetting that there is other things to worry about out there, basically losing yourself, so you can be with him, fitting in their mold, rather than being yourself, and him liking the real you.
Having Mosquito Syndrome is unhealthy, for the relationship and for you. You lose your friends and yourself in the process.
I believe in the whole balancing act when having a boyfriend. Some days spent with your friends, others spent with your loved one. Having a boyfriend doesn't mean that you have to become MIA to your friends. Your friends were there first, and let's face it, boys and girls think differently. You need girl time, and he needs guy time. Spending every waking moment with one another will only make things tense, and relationships are happy things.
The balancing act is difficult, but have you ever heard the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder?" It's true. Taking some time will also be better for your relationship, in addition to you.
Basically, the moral is don't spend all of your time with your boyfriend. You have friends too. Hoes before bros.

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