Saturday, May 21, 2011


There is something that we are going to have to learn eventually in life: some people are just jerks to us. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it. It's a ways of life. Some people will never get along with others. But if you don't like someone, you still have to respect them, no matter what the reason may be not to like them.
I believe that respect is something important in every situation. Having respect for one another, in addition to having respect for someone's property, or personal space, shows that you are a classy human being, and won't go to further extremes to show your dislike for that person.
Of course, there are some people that do not get this. Some people need to learn respect.
R E S P E C T!
See? It's pretty easy to spell. They even made a song about it.
You may have kindergarten crush syndrome, but in order to get a girl, she has to like you. You may have no idea what you're doing, but in order to get a girl to like you, you do not put your feet on her ass. Nor, do you tell her to go fuck herself. Just saying, that's not the way it's done.
Maybe if that's the way you act around a person than you are immature, and are not fit to be around humans. Or you need to realize you're not going to get any, and move on.
And, if you don't like me, then you are not going to get any girls like that. You need to respect women, because we are not devices that make you sandwiches, and have sex whenever you want. We have feelings, Charlie Harper, and we don't just do what you please.
So please, Charlie, learn some respect.

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