Sunday, March 27, 2011

Are We Really?

Want to know whats sad? How we rely our happiness about the members of the opposite sex, and the person that we are interested in. When they talk to us, or something that shows that we return the feelings that we have about them, we are through the roof. When they do something that shows that they don't return the feelings, or they just in general are being rude, then we are depressed. And once they leave our lives forever, we resort to vegging out on the coach, with some sad movie, feeling like why us, why did this have to happen to me?
Of course, it sucks not to have someone in your life. It sucks not having someone to make you feel special, or to tell things to.
But whatever happened to making ourselves feel special? Whatever happened to being indpedant women, who don't need men to complete them? Are we really become reliant on someone of the opposite sex to tell us that we are special, and that when they don't want to be with us in a romantic relationship, then we mourn them like they are the dead?
I think that in the end we just miss the idea of someone outside ourselves, realizing that everything comes to an end, and not everything lasts forever. Eventually, we will die.
The things that last forever are the things that we look for. We just want someone to keep us company, someone to talk to, someone to make us breakfast in bed when we are sick. I look for that kind of thing and I often feel that I'm asking for too much, or trying to find that perfect thing.
Well, no one is perfect.
Now I ask myself, what am I looking for now? I don't want a rebound, I want some one to make my day. I don't want to feel like I need them, and if and when they left me, which especially in high school I know will happen, I would be okay. Sure, I would feel the hurt, but I know I can handle everything. At the end of the day, I just want someone to keep me company, not someone to tell me that I'm pretty and nice. No lines. Just simple.

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