Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is love really that blind?

Ever date someone that everyone hates? Or someone, that everyone asks, why are you with him, you are way to good for him? And all you could do is just sit there, and look at them like they were from another planet?
This is an example of love blindness.
Love blindness is not seeing the person that you are currently in a relationship, because you are too infalated with them. Admit it, we've all been there sometime or another. We've all never seen someone's real colors, until they break up with you, or something else drastic happens that breaks your thin ice of reality, and sees the waters of the truth.
My question is, why are we blind? We do we ignore the bad things in a relationship and soley focus on the good things, like their voice, or the way that they make you feel. Is their good sides of their personality like a black hole or something like that, where you can't see past it with the naked human eye?
I question this even with abusive relationships. What exactly do the abused parties think? That they love them? Well, sure they may, not saying anything about a mad man loving someone and not knowing exactly how to treat the woman that he loves the right way. But, sometimes while in a relationship, you must be selfish. If he is hitting you, or treating you badly, then you should think of your own personal safety first, and run as fast as you can.
Just think, if you saw a friend going through this, what would you want them to do? Sometimes, you just need to step back for a bit, and then you realize, how unhealthy this relationship of yours is.

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