Monday, March 28, 2011


In our lives, we come to all sorts of awkwardness. The awkwardness of a breakup. The awkwardness of hanging out with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, while trying to meet other guys. The awkwardness of finally admitting to someone that you like them, only for them to say that they like you as a friend, and that they like some other girl. The awkwardness of saying something stupid, and not knowing how to say anything right. And of course, it's very awkward whenever you don't say anything; for fear of saying something that doesn't make any sense.
I guess in life there is a time when we reach any awkward situations. And I also guess that like always, we will find the way out of them. The answer may not be so clear, but it will be there.
The question is, how do we get out of them. Do we run? Do we act like nothing has ever happened? Do we try to forget that it's happened? How do we overcome an awkward situation?
I guess that wherever there are people, there will always be an awkward sitution somewhere in the world. Maybe not at your door, but maybe in Haiti or Japan.
Maybe it's all of those awkward moments that prepare us for the ones that matter. Maybe it takes a bunch of really bad moments to help us realize what a good one is like. Maybe like nothing can be all good or bad all of the time, not everything can go smoothly or awkwardly.
Maybe, for awkward moment we face, a good moment is somewhere in our distant future.

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