Lately, it seems like I have become the love consultant, amoungst my friends. It has made me realized that I have a lot of experiance, well in the relationship area. So, here girls, and guys too, is some no fail tricks on flirting.
1. Text for legit reasons. Ever have that one person that no matter what would text you, ever second of every day, for stupid reasons? Do you like that? I bet not. So, therefore don't do that for someone else, and only text when you need someone to talk to, or whenever you have to ask him a question. And, of course whenever you feel like saying, or showing you care.
2. Don't make the conversation all about you. Ask him questions all about his life, too. Because he already knows that you're cool. You guys talking about music? Ask him questions about what he listens to? Then, ask him how he got into that type of music. That question is somewhat different, than what he listens to, and dropping it at that.
3. When you guys get bored, play twenty questions. That way, you get to know him, in a cool, playful way, and may get some insight on how he feels about you.
4. Don't limit flirting with the guy you like. Flirt with people that you know you will never see again, that way you will build up confidence for the guy that you really do like.
5. Show that you care about your guy. Whether it's telling him that you'll be there for him, when he's having a bad day, to asking him how his audition or tryout went. It shows that you care about him, and that you are a sweetheart. (well cause you are)
6. Don't text back right away. Guys like having to do a little chasing for some of the conversation. Oh, and one word answers also help for this, as well.
7. Have a wingwomen with you whenever possible. She can help you talk to guys, and break the ice, with little to no awkwardness. Also, they are good for getting numbers.
These are some of my no fail ways to flirting, well with class. Show the guy that you are a classy, sweet female that is irrestible (cause, well you are)
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