Saturday, December 31, 2011


2011 was the year I began to love. Or begin to wonder about it anyways. There's one thing about love that I have always began to wonder about. Sex. I mean, I don't plan on having it or anything, I just wonder about it. Like I want to have it...but not now. Maybe when I'm married.
Sex. Why has this act, which is supposed to be saved for the one you love, or when you get married, has become so obsolete? Why does people have to sleep with people in high school, putting themselves, and others at risk to get pregnant or STDS? Like seriously, sex is supposed to be for the people that you love, not the people that you meet off of the street because you have a boner. Like seriously, sex should be saved for someone that means a lot to you. You don't have to be married to someone, maybe engaged, but that's not the point. The point is that society has made it obsolete. I wish times were more simple, like in the forties, when sex was something that was only for marriage. I mean getting it in shouldn't be done just because the person wants to. DO IT BECAUSE YOU FREAKING LOVE THE PERSON! I think that it should be...well that's my opinion on the whole matter anyways....
 Anyways, happy 2012. Be happy, and try to make that resolution come true, but remember, the only way that they can is if you actually get off your fat ass and do something for yourself, like go to the gym, or ask your girl of interest out. Like seriously. You can't expect things to magically happen.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Karma's a Bitch.

Yo people on the internets with no lives, hello. Yo people who enjoy reading my blog. Hello. Hi.
Karma is a bitch. If you do something to someone then you deserve that same thing to be done to you, because karma is a bitch, and you'll get what you give out.
But when the good people have bad things coming to them, it makes me wonder about this damn system. Like the good people living with dementia, they were good people. But the jerks, they live until they are 90. It's not fair how someone who screws lives up goes unpunished yet the ones who don't do anything get hit the hardest. Maybe this will even out in the next lifetime.
My father is someone who lied to make other's lives miserable, and makes me feel like crap about myself, yet he gets away with it. My grandfather, who did no wrong, died a slow and miserable death. I don't understand this at all, and sometimes I wonder if my dad would do anything right, and he would make things right. But then maybe, just maybe, I don't want him to do things right, because I'm not a permant thing in my dad's life. Nor does he care to make me. I'm just the girl that he can care less about.
Maybe I'm better off staying away.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: Some Trends that I Would Carry into 2012

Okay, so I have many many topics to write about. Today, since there is the whole New Year thing, I figured that I would start here, and write the others on other days. So, people, prepare for a jam packed couple of days with a lot of amazing topics!
As very few of you know, I'm into the whole designing thing, and clothes thing, because yeah I'm kinda a girly girl. (one of the many things that me and Carrie Bradshaw have in common.) So here's a list of things that I started to wear this year, that I will contuie to wear into the oncoming year.
  • Purple nails. Purple is my favorite color, and I have so many bottles of purple nail polish. You bet that I will wear them into the oncoming year. 
  • Skinny jeans. I love them!
  • Yoga pants. So cute. So comfortable. Aww yeah. 
  • Converse. Classic stuff since forever. 
  • Leggings. Once I find another pair. Seriously, they are so comfortable, yet they look so classy!
See you guys tomarrow for some more serious topics!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011. In My Point of View.

2011 came in went. We had a hurricane in CT, snow in October, and snow that was taller than my five foot four. Or three. I thought I was five four, but I can't remember. What do you remember most about this year? For Charlotte, it would be seeing the last Harry Potter movie. For others, its relationships, graduating. For me, it's getting accepted into my top school, and not having to worry about applying anywhere else. Here's some things about 2011 that I will always rememeber:
I will remember all of the good times with ALL of my friends!
I will remember blasting Lady Gaga's Marry the Night 24/7. Actually, I will remember when I bought her CD and couldn't stop listening to it all day.
I will remember getting hooked on Sex and the City.
I will remember the bread bowls at Panera. Those things are really good, a little fattening, but good.
I will remember Kim Kardashian being married for 72 days.
I will remember my grandfather's last words.
But most of all, I will remember starting to become a writer.

Have a great 2012 everyone.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Things We Are Left to Think About.

Some things happen in our lives that we can either change, or not change. Some things are permant, like death or birth. Everything else is subject to change.
A relationship between a father and a daughter is something that always changes, because alongs as the father is still living it can be fixed, although not to complete perfection. Once broken, nothing can run like new again. There are going to be cracks in the relfection of the mirror. Although sometimes we hurt ourselves when we try to fix things, fingers bleeding, and all that, maybe if you don't get hurt over something, than maybe you can't heal from the pain of it. So then you get even stronger, like that Emmett person from Twilight, because he was very strong, and yeah...
The end.
And then there's our relationship with the ones that have deceased. That can never be changed, but they are with us forever. They are the ones are watching over us, in the good times, and in the bad, and never truly leave us.
Then the most relationships, the ones that get changed the most are the relationships of the living. We can change that relationship at any given time, no matter how high the stakes might cost us.
And that is what we are left to think about.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays.

Merry Christmas, people that actually spend the time to read my blog. Thank you for spending time out of your day to read my thoughts, even though you may think that I'm wierd, or a little crazy, but then the ones that are crazy, are the ones that make the most sense. Hope you all had a great holiday with your family, in addition to other loved ones, because well you all damn deserve.
I'd also like to take the time to say Merry Christmas Sonny. This is the first holiday in 17 years, I would not spend with you, but sadly not the last. I miss you Grandpa, more and more each and every day, in addition to Millie and your children, and my cousins. I hope you are having a great Christmas up there in heaven, pain free, and happy.
Merry Christmas to those who have decease before us. May they not suffer and may they truly rest in peace. 
Merry Christmas to everyone, and to all a good night.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Hey so it's Christmas Eve. So Merry friggin' Christmas! (had to say it the Jersey way. Duh.)
Sometimes I wonder why the holidays are so stressful, and why people dread them so much, because after all things like the holidays should be happy. So be freaking happy, because life is too damn short to worry about the stupid things that we worry about. So stupid.
So eat a freaking Christmas cookie, (if you don't have any bake them, it's not that hard to do, because if I can do it without blowing up the stove or anything, then that's saying something.), throw some wrapping paper at your family members, while enjoying the Charlie Brown specials that should be on TV (you got to admit that Snoopy and Charlie Brown are bad ass).
So Merry Christmas everyone!

Andandand for all of you little monsters out there, Lady Gaga is releasing a new track at midnight!

Friday, December 23, 2011

I prefer

I prefer the sun to the rain.
I prefer Sex and the City to Seinfield.
I prefer laughing to crying.
I prefer love to hate.
I prefer learning about literature, and trying to write something that means sonmething versus trying to find the single answer in the math probelm.
I prefer loving you versus having to hate you.
I prefer falling in love versus falling into sorrow.
I prefer answers instead of questions.
I prefer romance versus meaningless sex.
I prefer being told I love you, versus being left guessing.
I prefer you being with me instead of her.
I prefer living for today and tomarrow instead of yesterday.
I prefer black to white.
I prefer the sun versus the moon because it gives you hope.
I prefer friends instead of lonliness.
And I prefer falling hard, versus falling hard on your ass.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Breaking Point.

Sometimes, things pile up on us, and we break. We love people who we find out don't love us back, and then we cry over them. We wait forever, for nothing. We wait to feel happy and when we do, it comes with a price. It comes with the price of wanting to gamble everything, and when you do, you lose, and you feel like a fool. I never thought that I can feel so unhappy again, but then again, here we are, crying over the person who broke your heart into a million pieces.
Life's not fair-you wait forever, for someone, and then when you think it's going to happen or something, then
it doesn't. You give your whole entire heart, for what? Just to be laughed at? Just to be made the fool.
Maybe I'll get over this. Maybe I'll become the old lady with a thousand freaking cats, and be all sad and lonely and live in a shoe.
I never thought I can cry over someone. But here I am, crying over someone.
I hate this.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Sister Code.

I have two best friends, both of them like sisters. One acts more like my mother, the other one is the little sister that I never had. Both of them are amazing friends, who are always there for me, so therefore I figured I would dedicate a blog to them.
The sister code is as follows:
  • Sisters always support each other, whether it's when you think that those new jeans make you look fat, or that boy that treats you really nice. They support your decisions, whether they are the hardest ones, or the ones that are easy, like whether or not that you want to have to make them. Whether or not, they agree with them, they are there. 
  • Sisters give the best fashion advice on the planet. And save you with leggings when you fall into a puddle of water. 
  • Sisters have the best music taste. 
  • Sisters let you vent about the things that make you angry, like incompetent guidance counselors, and people that are doing mean things to you.
  • Sisters help you do things that are hard for you, whether or not it's sending a rose to a person that you currently dig, or tell your father that he sucks. 
  • Sisters help you celebrate the good things, like getting into college, and perhaps getting asked out by a boy that you have liked forever. 
  • Sisters are your best friend. Sisters are always there for you, no matter what the hell you do.
Sisters are your best friends in the world. They are there for you whenever you need them. Best friends, always and forever.

Love you Charlotte, and Sookie!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sometimes, I feel like I'm not good enough. Sometimes, I feel like I need to lose a few pounds, or that I'm ugly and stupid. I hate that feeling, and it makes me upset. It makes me sad.
I wish that I didn't feel that way about myself. I wish that I can be happy, but emotions never lie, although sometimes I wish that they did. That way, maybe I wouldn't have to be sad or mad, I can be mad chill, and no one would ever notice. Maybe I won't either. I hate it that I feel like crap sometimes, and I don't know why. Maybe it's the petty probelms of life that make us really think about what is important. Like world hunger and things like that. Maybe it will put things into perceptive.
Sometimes, I just want someone to talk to. I want someone to stop trying to make things better for me, I just want a hug, a cookie, and love. All of those things that I will never get, nor do I feel like I deserve to get. I sometimes have a bad temper, and sometimes feel overwelmed, but really I just want someone to talk to, and make me feel better, because right now, I feel like complete crap.
I sad.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I Know Where I've Been...and Where I want to Go.

Today I went to a meeting of the writing club at my school. I realized that my writing sucks. But other than that, I got inspired by this activity that we were doing. So I decided to apply it here.
I know where I've been. I've been to Sonny and Millie's, with the sound of Millie busy in the kitchen, cooking chicken cutlets, singing loudly and badly to her Italian Music Station. She was wearing a purple floral apron, hands covered in flour, frying pan crinkling. Sonny is in the kitchen, doing his favorite thing-sampling. I've been to the beach, the small cottage, my solid uncle throwing me into the the salt water, wearing one pieces with my favorite cousins, who were more like siblings. I remember Grandpa, and his fake birds, tweeting, and my grandma yelling at him to stop going into the refrigerator to sample Sunday Dinner, because she was afraid that he would get fat.
Sonny and Millie never went anywhere apart. Wherever Grandpa was, there was Grandma, and vice versa. Now, as I get older, I realize how much they really loved each other. I remember traveling around with them, before school was in the picture, and summer vacation.
I remember the hospitals, the doctors, the nurses, and the nursing home, where Sonny had passed away. I remember the words "be happy" vividly, the sad eyes, and the forced smile. You would know that he was in pain, but you would never know it. He would never complain, nor say anything about the pain, he would just smile and talk about the dog.
I remember the days when I waited for a father to come around, and the day would never come. After almost fifteen years of waiting, I have accepted that he would never come, nor that I wanted him to. He has kept me waiting too long, and now I run.
Everyday I see my friends, the good ones who bring me cookies, listen to me while I cry, and hug me whenever I want a hug. The friends who pick you up when you are down, broken, and just want a friend. I see my best friend, with her curly hair that I am jealous of. We bonded over flowers. I see my other best girlfriend, with her witty phrases, and never failing ability to make me laugh, even when I hate the world. I see my best friend of the male species, who always listens to me when I am down, who sometimes I wonder if he is more mature than I am. He taught me many things, although I hate to admit it.
I see my grandmother fall deeper into the hole of depression. Losing your husband makes you go crazy. I see my once strong mother cry over the loss of her father, the pressures of work, and the other people that make her nuts.
In the future I see myself at college, making a living off of this thing called writing. I see myself a wife, with a faithful husband, and a bunch of little children, one name Sonny (Cosmo). I see myself being happy.

Oh, and to anyone whose Jewish out there, Happy Hannaka!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tis the Holiday Season.

Okay, so it's the week before Christmas. I managed to finish shopping for everyone, but I kind of forgot to buy wrapping paper. And I should learn how to wrap. Oh that would be helpful. If you happen to know how to wrap, could you tell me how? Thanks.
Hi everyone.
I'm wondering why holidays always bring out stress. Like seriously. Just relax. I understand that people are under stress, but it's a holiday. Go. Do. Be happy. Stop yelling at people. Stop making drama. Stop annoying people.
I don't know why I have to go places where I would be miserable. I don't want to have to see people I don't like. So I'm putting my foot down and saying no to that, because the holidays aren't a time when you have to dread doing things. You're supposed to be happy right? Well damn it, let me be happy, and let me build a freaking snow man.
The holidays are for family, cookies, and memories. Not people jumping down your throat because of what happened four months ago.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Choices.

We make choices. Some are good, and some are bad. Some can never change, like getting pregnant. Some can, like the choice when you want to be in a relationship with someone. I guess that at the end of the day, we make decesions to stick to our choices, the way that some stick to their guns. I made the decesion to never speak to people that hurt me again.
I am realizing that I should probably take care of myself, because lately because my health has been sucky. Between acid reflex, and hitting myself in the head I think my body is trying to tell me something. What? Well I don't know...
How do I take care of myself? Maybe by hot baths, and candles or something.
I don't know, I'm a writer not a doctor.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go Green! And yea.

I guess that I have no idea what the hell to write about, which is odd, because usually I have a lot to freaking say. Like the whole global warming thing? Its ridiculous. We should all try to figure out a way to use less things, like seriously bro. We need to think of a solution. Maybe we need to use reusable things, like those cloth shopping bags, or something. Maybe we should ban paper plates, and plastic water bottles. (Of course, if we recycle them, then we wouldn't have this probelm.)
Let's save the world guys! We only get one planet, so let's treat it right! Lets treat the animals right too, because without them, the world would be a sad place. Or less exciting. One or the other. Animals have feelings too, you know, not just people who are really cute.
I think I'm going to eat a cookie.
And sometimes, I wonder about things. I wonder what goes through my mind when I say some things, because sometimes, I really don't think. I don't mean to, I just sometimes don't think. I should do that more. I think about spending the holidays alone without my father and my grandfather. One makes me sad, and the other makes me relieved. And if you happen to be one of my best friends you will probably know what exactly is what. I wonder how long a heart takes to heal, and why sometimes, I'm upset over the little things, like getting a paper cut. Maybe I will heal.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

High School Drama-Save It For Your Llama.

High school. The movies it's proclaimed to have the aspect of Mean Girls, when the girls were as fake as a plastic Louis Vuitton that they sell on the street corners of New York City. I never thought that they could be applied in real life.
Then I met someone. She is as fake as those girls on Television. I never thought that they could exist, but then you never say never. But you use people. You decide that if someone is happy then you have to go destroy it because it's all about you. You pretend to be everyone's best friend, but really you talk shit about them and try to make the world all about you. You are two faced, and you think that the whole damn world is about you. But it's not. The world doesn't revolve around anyone. You are nothing but a whore, and use people.
So do me a favor.
Stay classy.
Stop trying to be my best friend.
Stop trying to make the whole world about you.
And then maybe just maybe that you'll have friends.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Dreams are something that we all have. I don't have them on a daily basis, but they are there. Sometimes, dreams can turn into nightmares. Dreams can make us look at the world in different ways, make us scared or more open to certain aspects of life.
The dream that I had last night was about a red headed monster, who came and ate everyone. My friends, the news ones, and the older ones. Just as he was coming for me, I woke up. For the first half of the day, I hated the color red. (sorry to my friend with the red shirt, I didn't mean to make it offended. It's a nice shirt, by the way, I have one just like it.) The red headed monster is someone that I have once loved, and there is someone that had once given me hell.
Hell however, is something that we create. We create our own personal monsters, it's what we are scared of, and what we believe to be something that is worth screaming about.
A dream, a happy one, involves something that I truly desire more than anything. It's not an object, but something that my heart will always want selfishly. A dream can come true, but sometimes we wonder if that's what we truly want.
I dream of one thing, but whenever it's about to come true, I wanted to run. I wanted to run away from the fear of getting what I wanted. Like Runaway Bride. Getting what I wanted is something I want, but something that I have been afraid to admit. Maybe fear is something that we have to chase away like birds, because once you run with it, it will be gone. I need no fear, and there's nothing to be afraid of. I don't want to be afraid of anything, because it's not that scary.  Maybe it's the monster in my dream whose haunting my dreams that's the reason why I'm scared.
Silly monster. Tricks are for kids.

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Dreaming Of A White...Christmas

It's the holiday season guys, in case you didn't know! So Merry Christmas, Happy Hannaka, and Happy Season of Celebrating. What does the holidays all mean anyways? According to my old friend, it's all about giving him presents. Sorry bro, that's not the case. I don't know what y'all think of as the holiday season, but it involves more than just getting. It's about giving. It's about family. Sometimes, we need this time to think about what we are most grateful for, to kiss someone under the mistletoe (boys, this means you, get your act together, and get the girl...), remember those who have gone before us in holidays past, and the time to eat amazing cookies by Grandma. (hey, you gotta admit those things are freaking good). No matter what you celebrate, it all means the same. Christian, Jews, and others.
Sometimes, we need to give back. Sometimes, we need to say that we are thankful for the memories, the little sisters, the owner of stuffed horses, the people that are brutally honest, parents, cookies, the people who have left this earth before us, the people who we enjoy to bother, and actually are really good listeners, the music that inspires me, and of course the things that makes us stronger in the end. Sometimes, holidays are the things that we will remember when we are old and gray, and the elders who are already gone. The memories with Sonny on the holidays may hurt me now to think about, but someone told me one day it won't hurt. I'm holding them to that promise.
So. Go. Do. Celebrate.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Did I Do?

Okay, so my relationship with my father isn't exactly the best thing on the planet. He's wrong and maybe you either are too ignorant to see it, or you're just such a bitch that you don't really give a shit about anything other than yourself. I'm sorry that you have to be so damn selfish.
Okay, so I'm a little mad.
But in my defense, all I did was get hurt. Why should I have to subject myself to being tortured just because you're upset, and shit like that. Oh, wait just because YOU think that YOU are more important than what is really going on, doesn't mean that what's going on between your son, and your granddaughter isn't as important as yourself. So get a grip and move on with your life, and stop treating people like they owe you something, because nobody owes you shit, lady.
Oh, and there's 13 more shopping days until Christmas.
And 14 to Chirstmas.
Let the countdown begin.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Foo Fighters, and Little Sisters.

Lately, I've been listening to the amazing, and talented band called the Foo Fighters. I love their sound, and the fact that they don't get autotuned. Like seriously. That, and whoever the drummer is, he's really good. Go on Pandora radio right now and embrace their awesomeness, because they are a truly gifted band. The songs "Pretender", "Bridge Burning" and "All My Life" are my favorites. Now, go. Do. Listen. You won't be sorry. Trust me bro. And, yes, I'm listening to them right now. Why aren't you.
Best friends come in all shapes and forms. But then there are the ones who give you encoragement when you be sad, in pain, or in aviodance of someone. They hold your hand, and help you see, that things are truly going to be okay.
Love you little sissy!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


We often make choices in our lives. Some are good, and some are bad. Some are small and meaningless, while some can affect life as we know it. Some choices are easy to make, whereas others, ehhh, not so easy.
I often wonder about things. Why do we get served with crappy things when we should deserve the best? It only makes sense right? I wonder when things would fall into place. When things would be better, when I would feel no pain of the decesions that I have made. Every decesion is something that has it's own consquence, whether it makes me happy or sad. Some decesions, like deciding to never speak to someone that has given you life, someone that although their DNA is a part of you, you know nothing about
He leaves you and expects you to be okay with the things and then you feel like you are the one that has caused damage, when really it isn't. Because of him, I feel alone. I feel like people don't care about me, and that someone would leave me. I feel like people would leave and abandon me, and sometimes, because of this, I feel unloved. I don't know why I feel that way, I just do. I wish I never touched sadness, because it's a hard thing to touch. I don't like the harsh feel of it, I want the pillow like thing of happiness. I feel it sometimes, and I enjoy it. With distractions, my little sister, and my other best friends, they make me happy. They make me feel like I mean something. I feel happy.
I wish I could never feel pain so I wouldn't have to make the decesion, the hardest one, of not feeling it. I wish unhappiness, mixed with grief, never existed. But it does, in the some senses. Sometimes, we wish that it would never exist, because then we wouldn't have to feel sadness. But then, it's the pain that makes you strong. Grief, and crying, and all of the sadness that I feel, I'll get over it. I just want someone to catch me when I stumble, and want to cry.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Love is something that I often am curious about. But it's something that I want desperatly. Someone to embrace me, someone to love me for being myself. I don't know, I guess I've been watching too much Twilight, and it's starting to get in my head. I guess I want someone to love me, or to excite me, because let's just face it, sometimes day to day life can be boring. But that's when we need to take a break from all of that, and share the things that matter. Of course, some of the things in day to day life truly matter, but sometimes, we need a break from the day to day life, and we have someone that will always be there to celebrate with us, and someone who will always be there for you no matter what. You want that, and sometimes, you often doubt your own self, and that person would be there for you.
Love is the relationship between you and your best friend. Then there's that love that Bella and Edward have, that love that Carrie and Big have, and the love that Rose and Jack have. That love is something that lasts forever from the first moment you meet someone. Our loves up until that point, they don't matter. Sometimes, you just meet someone and you click, because they are right for you, or some kind of lame thing like that. I often wonder about that.
Love. The craziest four letter word in the English dictionary.
I want to experience it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rainy Days.

Rainy days make me sad.
I don't know why, they just do. Something about the coldness and the wetness. It makes me feel lonely.
That and the fact, that NOT having a person to cuddle with isn't exactly a fun time. I want to be loved too you know? I wish more people told me that they loved/liked me. Sometimes I feel like I'm annoying everyone, even though I probably am. If I am, I'm sorry if I am annoying you, I just like talking to people. Or I have something I need to tell you. One or the other. Or like today I'm sad because I feel like my own father doesn't give a shit about me. We haven't talked since August, and it makes me really sad.
Wahhh I want someone to talk to.
Wahhh, I want something to do.
Sarah Brightman, you are not helping.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Sometimes, we need faith. In ourselves, in others, and even in the big man upstairs. That way, we have something to put our hearts to. We have someone to catch us when we fall.
Today I got accepted into my number one college. Thank you to my italian teacher, my cousin, a family friend, and of course GRANDPA who is watching and hopefully smiling in heaven. And thanks to all of the people that I've driven nuts over the past three days. I'm grateful for you and for your support!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

To Be In Love.

What does is mean to be in love? Does it mean to know nothing, and to fall in blindly? Do we understand what it's like to be in love? Do we even notice it, or does the rest of the world find out before we do?
To me, falling in love is more scarier then...well then falling off a cliff. Cliffs are a lot less scarier because if you're lucky, there will be water, and you can swim in water. If you fall in love, then there's a risk of no one catching you, and then you become sad and broken.
I'm afriad of love, for the reason of being broken. I don't want to be broken.
To be in love, I guess is to put all of your silly little cares aside and to want to open yourself up to someone. And I guess at the end of the day, being in love is caring about someone. Sometimes you care about them more than they will ever care about you. Sometimes, you become upset that they have left you. Hence the Twilight Saga, Bella Swan, please. Jacob was so much better for you. Love is something that changes, but never ceases. You can love multiple people, but still never fallen in love.
But what does it mean to fall in love? Do we have to only fall in love once in our lives, then we will be good? Can we fall in love again? What is all this mumbo jumbo? I don't get it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lady GaGa

So yesterday I saw Lady Gaga's new music video. And I must say, it was amazing. Marry the night is one of the best music videos that I have ever seen. My mind has been blown by watching and experiencing this video, which is one of the best I've ever seen. In addition to that, Marry the Night has become one of my favorite songs, from the moment I heard it in May. It has a great message, which I love.
Lady GaGa is one of the most inspiring women in all of show business, and with this music video, my mind has been blown. She thinks outside what the record company wants her to be, and is one hundred percent herself. She doesn't care what others percieve her. She writes her own music, and isn't autotuned. She's one artist that will truly last. I'm proud to be a Lady GaGa fan, and not afraid to admit it.
Lady GaGa, keep up with the music, and impressing us with the amazing music!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I really miss having cable. Stupid comcast. All I could watch is the news. I don't like the news. They depress me.
Anyways, hi. This is a blog. In case you haven't noticed, and were looking for cookies or something. So, hi. Normally, I have lots of opinions, and stuff to share with you all. But today, I don't. So, I'm going to sing a song. lalalalaala
Okay, serious time.
I've been thinking about two regrets that I have. Ditching a good friend, whose ALWAYS been there for me, and of course, not taking the time to see my grandfather more. Both suck. Both are full of regret. Both I can't undo.
I'm sorry grandpa. I still love you. I just wish that I could talk to you.

Andandand: If you have my number, PLEASE text me. I'm bored. Save me from being bored. For the next three days.