Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go Green! And yea.

I guess that I have no idea what the hell to write about, which is odd, because usually I have a lot to freaking say. Like the whole global warming thing? Its ridiculous. We should all try to figure out a way to use less things, like seriously bro. We need to think of a solution. Maybe we need to use reusable things, like those cloth shopping bags, or something. Maybe we should ban paper plates, and plastic water bottles. (Of course, if we recycle them, then we wouldn't have this probelm.)
Let's save the world guys! We only get one planet, so let's treat it right! Lets treat the animals right too, because without them, the world would be a sad place. Or less exciting. One or the other. Animals have feelings too, you know, not just people who are really cute.
I think I'm going to eat a cookie.
And sometimes, I wonder about things. I wonder what goes through my mind when I say some things, because sometimes, I really don't think. I don't mean to, I just sometimes don't think. I should do that more. I think about spending the holidays alone without my father and my grandfather. One makes me sad, and the other makes me relieved. And if you happen to be one of my best friends you will probably know what exactly is what. I wonder how long a heart takes to heal, and why sometimes, I'm upset over the little things, like getting a paper cut. Maybe I will heal.

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