Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sometimes, I feel like I'm not good enough. Sometimes, I feel like I need to lose a few pounds, or that I'm ugly and stupid. I hate that feeling, and it makes me upset. It makes me sad.
I wish that I didn't feel that way about myself. I wish that I can be happy, but emotions never lie, although sometimes I wish that they did. That way, maybe I wouldn't have to be sad or mad, I can be mad chill, and no one would ever notice. Maybe I won't either. I hate it that I feel like crap sometimes, and I don't know why. Maybe it's the petty probelms of life that make us really think about what is important. Like world hunger and things like that. Maybe it will put things into perceptive.
Sometimes, I just want someone to talk to. I want someone to stop trying to make things better for me, I just want a hug, a cookie, and love. All of those things that I will never get, nor do I feel like I deserve to get. I sometimes have a bad temper, and sometimes feel overwelmed, but really I just want someone to talk to, and make me feel better, because right now, I feel like complete crap.
I sad.

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