Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Did I Do?

Okay, so my relationship with my father isn't exactly the best thing on the planet. He's wrong and maybe you either are too ignorant to see it, or you're just such a bitch that you don't really give a shit about anything other than yourself. I'm sorry that you have to be so damn selfish.
Okay, so I'm a little mad.
But in my defense, all I did was get hurt. Why should I have to subject myself to being tortured just because you're upset, and shit like that. Oh, wait just because YOU think that YOU are more important than what is really going on, doesn't mean that what's going on between your son, and your granddaughter isn't as important as yourself. So get a grip and move on with your life, and stop treating people like they owe you something, because nobody owes you shit, lady.
Oh, and there's 13 more shopping days until Christmas.
And 14 to Chirstmas.
Let the countdown begin.

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