Yesterday, I had read an old issue of 17 magazine, where stars would write to their former selves. So, I figured what the hell, I might as well do it too. So I decided to write a letter to my former self, when I was thirteen, because I am cool like that.
Dear Natalie,
Okay, you're thirteen now, a teenager, and you probably think you know everything. But, you know nothing, and you have lots to learn, so shut up and read.
In the next four years in you're life, you will do a complete 180 from what you thought you would be. You would date one person seriously, and then spend two years of your life getting over him. It will all be worth it though, because you learn so much about love, and relationships through that experience.
You will make great friends, including one girl Charlotte. You become a member on the badminton team in your junior year, and you will pick up your flute again and become a beast at it.
Basically the advice that I will give you is to love yourself. It's all you need in life, in addition to some chocolate here and there. The relationship that you have with yourself is the one that matters the most, the one that you will need when all else fails.
You will date around, and you will get your heart broken. Remember that you are young, and to enjoy every moment of it, because you're only young once. Listen to your heart (yes I know that's cheesy, but I don't care,) and don't fall into the traps of haters. Just be yourself, and it will fall into place.
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