Ever heard of the term 'friends with benefits?' Well, it's a term of people having some course of initmate behavior, without having the wieght of a commitment on their shoulders. So basically it's a relationship with all of the benefits, without having to worry to call. Without the worry about cheating.
So, whatever happened to the old fashioned way of dating? When the guy met the dad of the date, told him that he liked her, and asked him to date his daughter.
Yes, I realize that is the the dinosaur way of dating, but it happens to be the way of thought. Now we have sex friends, and I think it's just beyond stupid. I think that if a guy likes a girl, then he shouldn't be ashamed to take her out on a date, in public. He shouldn't be afraid to commit, if he likes her, he shouldn't be afraid of what his friends say about the girl. Yes, he'd care, but he wouldn't be afraid to introduce her to people that mean something to him, especially if she meant anything to him.
Friends with benefits is stupid to me. Yes, it may be the answer to the commitment prone people because they get their sex out of the deal, but then what's sex without the love behind the sex? It's just meaningless, like giving a gift without any thought. Don't bother doing it.
Sometimes, I worry about the standards of the future. Teenagers, women as young as me, getting pregant, or have children? Whatever happened to "first comes love; then comes marriage; then comes Chris and Sookie in a baby carriage?" (sorry guys, I had to use you guys as an example.) Whatever happened to waiting until marriage to have sex? Whatever happened to the 50s way of dating, when someone who was pregnant as a teenager was sent away. Whatever happened to being proud of who you were with, that you wanted to show them to everyone?
Am I really talking about an era that's dead? Is friends with benefits the norm for all people that want to have relationship? Are we entering an era when casual sex is appluaded, like in shows such as Secert Life and Teen Mom? Is dating, and only dating becoming a thing of the past, when you went out to dinner and to bowl or something like that? Where did it go?
Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. We will never know.
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