Ever meet a hot stranger on the street while you're walking around, and he's well hot? So what do you do. You say hello.
Normally, I'm shy around people I barely know, such as the people walking their dogs, people that we probably will only see once in our lives. People that cross our paths for one spilt second, and then we go our seperate ways. We have two options. Stare, or talk to them. Usually, to be honest, I will sit there and stare at the person. But today, something told me to say hello.
And I did.
And, man it felt good.
Man, it's good to say hello to people, to be able to say hello to new people, to break the mold of sad shy girl. It's sad really, that I think saying hello to a random cute stranger is a good thing, but hey here I am.
Maybe, it's the people we see for a small second, the ones that get a small ounce of attention, the ones that we will never even know our names, are the ones that will never hurt us. They are just there, to give you your coffee, and the ones that wait on your table at the local diner. They sort of have that safety net of always being there, probably never going to get to know us, probably never going to be more than an extra in your movie of life.
Maybe it's the perfect strangers that tell us that you are not completly screwed, the ones that will let us know in a stange way, that we are not alone, and that there are people out there who don't hate us.
We just have to find them.
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