Daily Flirt:
It's a good time to get started on that new plan or idea that's been brewing in the back of your mind. You may need to try a new approach or get a few assistants from among your friends first.Anyways, now that you have the horoscope out there for you to see, now time for my interpretation of it. Are horoscopes something that we use to give us that actually push to do something that if we didn't have them, we would be unable to do it, such as a good luck charm. Is a horoscope the same thing as giving someone that extra push for help to do something that they wouldn't otherwise have the strength to do so if they didn't have the horoscope? If you read the horoscope, and decide to do something based on what the horoscope said, isn't it creating the fortune written in the horoscope.
Ever hear of the saying "A real man makes his own luck". (think, it was in Titanic.) And I don't know about you, but I believe that one hundred percent. If you want to be with someone, get up the balls to go up to them, and ask them. It's that simple.
Luck and horoscopes are something that I believe are based on what we do to make them good or bad. If you read a horoscope that says "you will have a bad day" than you think that you have a bad day. And then of course, you do actually have a bad day.
Maybe we just need dumb luck, and horoscopes to make our day a good day. However, with or without that rabbit foot, or without reading a horoscope, life still happens. We just have to stay on the surfboard for the ride.