Monday, August 15, 2011

She's Too Young For You, Bro.

So, I was watching Jersey Shore. (It's my guilty pleasure, what can I say?) And there was a segment on younger girls in a club, with older guys. So, I got inspired, and decided to compose a funny list of random "she's too young for you bro".
  1. If she doesn't know what Myspace is, she's too young for you bro.
  2. If she uses a fake ID, then she's too young for you bro.
  3. If she writes with crayons, instend of pens, then she's too young for you bro.
  4. If she still has a curfew, then she is too young for you bro. Also, if she is sneaking out to be here right now, because of her curfew, then she is too young for you bro.
  5. If she lies to her parents, she's too young for you, bro.
  6. If her older brother comes after you while you're trying to smoosh or hook up, then she is too young for you, bro.
I can't think of anymore. If you have any, please comment below.

1 comment:

  1. 7. If she gets "drunk" off an amp she's too young for you bro.
