Sunday, August 21, 2011


Ever feel that you were under a giant wieght; something to pressure you to do something or act a certain way, or not to act a certain way because you feel that's the way that you're not expected to act? But, over time, with a heavy wieght, and a delicate person, it can break you.
The pressure to be perfect is one that every woman struggles with. To be the perfect lover, the perfect student, employee, basically being good at everything, to be that right person to everyone's needs.
Then you realize, NO ONE IS FUCKING PERFECT!
We're human. We make mistakes. Some color outside the lines, some can't knit, and some chose to wear a different brand just because they think it's cool. The imperfections of the person is what makes them real, nothing too perfect is something that is real, and can last.
Sometimes, we reach that point where we want to scream from all of that pressure. And that's when we talk to a friend, because with good friends help us deal, and realize that we are not alone in this world. They make the world seem less scary because we all have bad days-they just make it more barable. I guess with the help of a really good friend, or two, (like Charlotte and Samantha), I guess that over time they help make the world seem better than you would without someone there.
In the end, with a help of a good friend, the wieght of the pressure to be perfect somehow lightens enough so that instead of it crushing you, you end up carrying it.

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