Lately, I have a lot of topics that I could write about. Fights, wandering thoughts, waking up at two am because your afraid to find a mouse on your pillow (I'm afraid of mice, okay. I understand that they are harmless but those little things freak me out.), or the fact that it's raining out. (Well, where I am anyways.) I think I'll tackle all of those thoughts, because they are all mixed together in my mind, creating on giant melting pot of thought. (Hahaha, melting pot of thought. I'm a poet, bet you didn't even know it bro.)
Okay, back to writing about things that actually matter and relate.
Fighting with a parent is always a part of life. People fight, because no one can stay happy with that other person forever. Eventually someone will find something wrong, and then the people would be mad, and then sad because they have said somethings that they will regret.
Fighting is like a thunderstorm, if you will. You can survive it, if you know how to protect yourseldf, and if you know what not to do. If you do it the necesary steps to recover, than you can be stronger.
But somethings are too fragile, and eventually, in a harsh time will get destroyed. Then you just pick up the pieces up, and move on with your life.
Wandering thoughts is something that makes no sense to me. I often wonder about this one person who is always there for me. Charlotte says that you can not help who you fall for, but I can't help but wonder if you can. Samantha says that you can. But I have a feeling it's not that simple.
I don't feel like writing about mice, and rain, mainly because they are icky, so yeah.
I really need to do some yoga or something, I needa clear my mind.
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