I'm tired of fear. I'm tired of being afriad of doing something just because I'm afraid of being out of my comfort zone. I'm tired of any man controlling me. I'm tired of wondering how one feels about me, instead of just asking him. If he doesn't return the feelings, then damn it, it's not meant to be. I don't want to deal with the craziness and the rules of someone else's game. I'm done with all that crap of someone telling me what to do, someone telling me how to feel. Life is about the risks you take, not sitting and wallowing about the past mistakes that I have made, because they are already made, and I can't go back and undo them. I can only go foreward, and only press play.
I'm tired of playing the music that someone else thinks I should play, just because they don't like the way I play it. I'm tired being told no, or being too afraid to do something, just because I'm too afraid of getting hurt. I am going to get hurt again, no matter what. By protecting myself from getting hurt, it's just not that healthy. I want to look back and live my life and be able to say "I went sky diving," or "I wasn't afraid to talk to the dude first" to my grandchildren.
This is my declaration of independance.
This is me saying if you have a probelm with me, then fuck you.
This is me saying, I'm taking new risks, doing things I never thought I could do.
This is me saying Luke Danes, I will get to the bottom of how you really feel. If you return the interest, cool. If you don't then there is more people out there.
It's time for me to say hello to living on the edge, and goodbye to fear. Time to live life to the fullest, and not care about anything or anybody.
Here I go.
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